Regression Testing

Spartan’s Regression Testing services intend to make sure that older software versions still perform the same way after updates, upgrades, or integration with newer versions. Software vendors today favor a move from a complex monolithic style to a collection of loosely coupled but highly versatile and responsive services supporting the same business logic. Our experts will help you make your regression testing strategy multi-layered and preferably automation dependent to support the business demands of change. Regression testing is a standing feature across all our testing services

Why Regression Testing by Spartans Team

As your system gets bigger, the probability of side-effects emerging increases as well. This happens because code in every application is deeply interconnected and changing a part of it might impact other parts of the app. Sometimes even bug fixes can create more problems than they solve. By doing software regression testing you don’t let your application regress from its current state to something worse. We turn QA regression testing into a habit helping you get more stable and quality releases.

Get a custom regression testing strategy

There are many ways in which to perform regression testing. Our approach will depend on the size of your codebase and your available resources. Before building a regression testing strategy we select the test cases to execute, prioritize them according to critical and frequently used functionalities, estimate the time needed to execute them, and define what can be automated and how. We also do smoke and sanity testing before regression tests to quickly verify if the build is working fine.

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