Performance Test

Whether you’re building or upgrading a web application, mobile app, or website, we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive and affordable Performance Testing service – planning, scripting, executing, and reporting – in as little as two weeks

Why Performance Test?

There’s no doubt that Performance Testing is absolutely critical to successful business operations and end user satisfaction. If below par, the reliability of your websites, apps, and systems will not go unnoticed, with the potential to seriously undermine your commercial objectives.

There are three core reasons for Performance Testing, which we examine in detail below:

  • Preventing system crashes
  • Achieving acceptable response times
  • Mitigating scaling risks

Performance Testing in the Cloud

When it comes to Performance Testing in the Cloud, our consultants have significant expertise in market-leading LoadRunner Cloud solutions.

Using LoadRunner Cloud enables us to:
  • Run Performance Testing as part of Continuous Deployment and DevOps models
  • Identify problems faster with efficient root cause analysis
  • Test earlier and faster with open source and third-party tool integration (supports reusing JMeter, Gatling, and Selenium scripts; integrates to Jenkins, GIT, AWS Code Pipeline, and Docker)
  • Reduce hardware maintenance with flexible testing models
  • Optimise application performance prior to deployment

Get in touch

Whether you are interested in fast-tracking Performance Testing to achieve results quickly, or wish to implement it as part of your CI/CD pipeline, we have over 20 years’ experience of delivering Performance Testing services to clients spanning a wide variety of industries.

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