Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, or Pen-testing, is a form of ethical cyber security assessment that seeks to identify, safely exploit and help to remediate vulnerabilities across computer systems, applications and websites. By utilizing the same tools and techniques used by cyber adversaries, pen-testing replicates the conditions of a genuine attack.

Commissioning a penetration test enables organizations to reduce security risk and provide assurance into the security of their IT estates, by mitigating weaknesses before they can be maliciously exploited.

  • Fixes vulnerabilities before they are exploited by cybercriminals
  • Provides independent assurance of security controls
  • Improves awareness and understanding of cyber security risks
  • Supports PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and GDPR compliance
  • Demonstrates a continuous commitment to security
  • Supplies the insight needed to prioritize future security investments
Types of Penetration Testing We are offering:

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