Test Data Management Service

Achieving fast and continuous development & deployment of business-critical cloud-based applications across diverse platforms requires seamless collaboration among development, test automation, & operations teams. DevOps approaches & DevOps technologies connect the teams to deliver Quality@High-Speed, stay competent, & keep up with customer preferences.

Implementing DevOps technologies and testing practices helps CxOs bring about a cultural shift that leads to greater collaboration across teams, improves the quality of code, increases the response rate of business changes, inculcates shift-left practices, & creates an environment of growth for Software Development Engineers in Test (SDETs) – all of which are necessary to provide DevOps solutions.

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process are often seen as the key metric to measure successful DevOps practice. With the advent of CI-CD advocates a fully automated pipeline of development and deployment activities, the role of QA/Testing has often been seen as the slow link and enforcing QA/Testing practices that ensure the quality of the deliverable while not slowing down the pipeline is a challenge for many organizations.

We, at Spartans, perceive the role of QA/Testing as the missing link between Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. Continuous Testing, without compromising the processes built around automated delivery pipelines, principles of Dev & Ops collaboration, Infrastructure as code, etc.

For us, Continuous Testing doesn’t mean automating everything, but rather testing at every phase of the delivery & deployment pipeline, continuously, using a mix of manual & automated processes. We emphasize redefining the processes, tools, and overall testing maturity to achieve true Continuous Testing. We also emphasize testing beyond the functional/regression and recommend implementing quality practices that validate the quality of build at every stage and dimension possible.


Working with DevOps helps enterprises implement the best DevOps automation practices and methodologies that leads to the quality benefits of:

  1. Automated & continuous quality monitoring
  2. Automated provisioning of virtualized test environments
  3. Standardized DevOps adoption processes, solutions, approach, & strategy
  4. Integration build, deployment, end-to-end DevOps test automation, & reporting

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Trusted Software Outsourcing and Quality Assurance Service