Cloud Testing

Cloud testing, also called cloud-based testing, is aimed at the validation of the performance, scalability, and reliability of applications in a cloud computing environment, by using cloud tools that emulate real-world user traffic. You get the following benefits;

  • Recreate real traffic conditions to receive accurate testing results.
  • Implement the needed computing power and at the same time cut down the costs.
  • Customize the testing process and perform testing scenarios in different ways.
  • Increase or decrease computing resources as required.

QA engineers can easily emulate an end-user oriented environment with minimal effort and time, as well as perform different types of testing in any device environment. Cloud-based testing can also reduce the time to enter the market for software due to automated testing.

Cloud Testing Forms

Cloud testing is divided into four categories. Each testing form is selected depending on vendors, e.g. testing of the whole cloud is usually performed by cloud and SaaS vendors, whereas testing within a cloud is executed by cloud vendors only. At the initial stages, Spartan’s specialists help you choose the appropriate for your project.

Core Components of Cloud Testing

Here, at Spartans, we pass through all core components of cloud testing to guarantee the quality of your software.


Entails testing of data security, functions, end-to-end business workflows, browser compatibility, and others.


Implies testing various network protocols, bandwidths, and successful transfer of data.


Includes backups, disaster recovery tests, secure connections, and storage policies. Also, it must be checked for compliance with regulatory requirements

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