Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

Behavior-driven development or BDD, is a method for a more accessible and effective way for teams new to agile software delivery that aims at testing human behavior rather than a computer function.

Spartan’s Test scenarios in BDD are based on the concept of “given, when, then” to describe various user BDD scenarios. Test cases written so, in simple text, help even non-technical team members to understand what is going on in the software project, with or without a test management tool. Our BDD approach is with automation using Gherkin and combining it with unit testing

Advantages of Spartan’s engagement in BDD test cases

The main advantage of Spartan’s engagement in your company is that it increases and improves project collaboration and enables everyone involved to easily engage with the product development cycle.

But it also provides better coverage assurance, since the BDD scenarios are focused and defined around specific expected outcomes. This also contributes to far less ambiguity for developers.

Another advantage of the Spartan’s footprints in your company’s BDD framework is that it is easier to translate into automated tests, is very reusable, and supportive of parameterization. For instance, “example tables” make it easy to run the same scenario with different combinations of inputs. BDD framework is also very adaptable, and can easily be modified as features are developed.

What BDD tests look like in Spartan’s BDD Framework?

Managing your BDD requirements using Spartan’s engagement will allow you to get end-to-end coverage for your user stories. The spartan team provides you coverage from requirements, then connected to relevant tests and runs, followed by issues reporting (in case such arises) and all the way to reporting results via real-time updating dashboards.

By combining manual, automation, and exploratory testing within Spartan’s BDD framework, you get a comprehensive picture of your testing status. Ensure that you are providing your stakeholders with the right information at the right time, so they can make smarter project and product decisions. We’ll proceed to walk you through the process while giving some BDD test examples.

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